At age 25, I was having digestive issues and was diagnosed with gastroparesis. This led me to a pill that I took 4 times a day in order to eat comfortably. By my 30th birthday, I started to notice that EVEN with the pill, my digestion was NOT awesome, and I was still suffering. At the time, I was living in China and decided that during my summer in the US, I would go see a new doctor. 

The appointment with this new doctor was fast, furious, and left me floundering. It turns out that that pill that I was taking 4 times a day for the last 4-5 years was only meant to be taken for a 30-day span to jumpstart digestion and that long term use could lead to cognitive damage. He took my pill away THAT day, and as expected, my health declined quickly. I lost A LOT of weight, I was uncomfortable, mad, confused, and feeling a lot of fear. 

As I flew back to China, unsure of my future, I kept thinking how had I  gone from running the GREAT WALL HALF MARATHON to barely being able to walk a half a mile, quitting my job, and thinking a stomach transplant was in my near future. How the heck did this happen?  

I was unsure what to do next and living in a foreign country. A friend asked me about going to see Dr. Chen, a Chinese doctor that spoke English and that many ex-pats had seen. I was like “No thanks, I’m an American.” Wow, to hear myself now. The woman turned to me and replied, “Do you have anything left to lose?” Nope, I didn’t. I went off to see Dr. Chen with complete skepticism and a bit of an attitude. 

Dr. Chen diagnosed me in 3 minutes flat… literally. HE HAD MY ATTENTION. I had spent months and thousands of dollars in the US to get the diagnosis he gave me in 3 minutes WITHOUT any invasive procedures. He asked me if I wanted to heal, and I replied, “Yes.” He gave me his protocol, then we met weekly or sometimes biweekly for months, and I healed.  

Soon thereafter, we moved back to the US. After I healed enough to begin functioning again, I realized I still had a way to go. This led me to take a DEEP dive into nutrition, lifestyle, and healing. I’m now 43 and have never been healthier.

I’ve been there, done that, and I have the t-shirt. My COMPLETE healing journey was gruesome at times, overwhelming at times, and so darn time consuming. I believe I could have gone further faster with a coach. You don’t have to do this alone. 

Doctors are incredible at what they do. They diagnose. They explain all the science and give you just that… THE DIAGNOSIS.

Coaches help you change. They have time to sit with you, process with you, find resources with you, help you visualize and create goals.

They help you set yourself up for success, for healing. 

Got a diagnosis? Me too!