You have the power to create AN optimal growth enviroment for you and your baby.


Did you know that what you eat during pregnancy could impact not only you and your baby, but generations to come? This is a big deal. What you eat matters. We all long to leave a legacy. Your legacy can begin RIGHT now… with what you have on the end of your fork. 

Join us and learn how to feed you and your baby well. Learn how to create an optimal environment for you and your baby to grow.

During this session you will learn:

  • the optimal diet for pregnancy 

  • the ideal macronutrient ratios

  • what to eat and what to avoid 

  • meal prep techniques and strategies

  • the most nutrient dense snacks on the market and where to purchase them 

You will walk away with clarity, a plan and many valuable resources. Even before your sweet baby is born, you will begin leaving your legacy. What a gift.

Certified Health and Wellness Coach


Sarah is a happy AND successful wife and mother of two daughters. She has spent her entire career in education, first as a fourth-grade teacher and most recently, in the up-and-coming world of health coaching. Sarah holds a Masters in Education. In 2020, she graduated from the ADAPT Functional Health Coaching Program and then received her National Board Certification in Health and Wellness in 2021. Since then, she's held group classes, coached individual clients and has immersed herself into the health and wellness world.