Ready to Reclaim your LIFE?

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“Coaching has changed the way I view my world and everyone in it. My thought process has evolved to a point where I am making healthy decisions for my physical and mental well-being. I am enjoying short term results and can already foresee the long term results. But most importantly I am learning to love myself and accept others.”

– Amanda B.


“Sarah helped me brainstorm and prioritize short-term and long-term goals. She helped me come up with tangible action steps that I could easily implement, and our weekly conversations gave me the accountability I needed to follow through. Sarah excelled at listening to what I said, summarizing while checking in to make sure it was what she heard, and framing it into a strength that I felt empowered to build upon. I really appreciate and treasure the time we spent in coaching.”

- Cathy K.


“It was a true pleasure working with Sarah for the  Reset challenge. I have never participated in a program like this before.  Sarah was a wealth of knowledge, information, positive energy, and a fantastic resource. I found this challenge to be eye opening, I learned that reading labels is so important.  I was fascinated to learn how certain foods effect my body, sleep, mood and overall daily performance. I am sleeping better, feeling less bloated, and feel educated moving forward on making better choices on food I eat. Sarah is a true blessing and I appreciate her passion, enthusiasm, and dedication to this program.  I was comfortable reaching out to her at any time with questions, and she promptly answered and provided resources to me. I look forward to working with Sarah in the future.”

- Tricia R.


“Coaching helped to change my perspective on my priorities and the way I viewed certain tasks and responsibilities.  I was able to see the bigger picture and how my actions influenced other areas of my life. While working with Sarah, I was able to identify mental clutter, negative self-talk, and other obstacles that influenced my day to day activities.  She helped me to identify goals that would help me to reach my desired outcomes, as well as obstacles that would hamper achievement. Working with Sarah gave me the boost I needed to start working on goals and activities that I had brushed to the side.  She has natural giftedness in the areas of attentiveness, affirmation, and encouragement.”

- Connie N.


“Dear Sarah, Through the course of time spent with you one on one and in group, was simply amazing! Simply put, you became an accountability life coach to me, as well as Health and Wellness! You were honest and open which allowed us to create a safe environment open to success as well as not as much feelings of the same. You were always thoughtful, caring, and knowledgeable on our topics, and you knew how to bring out what I was really struggling with. It a well organized, thought out program, always allowed for my steering the path if needed. Your wisdom was awesome and helpful, and yet if you didn’t know the answers you seeked out more information. The 30 day reset we went through you were always encouraging daily and all through to keep us upbeat and thriving! The sharing of the personal and real life hacks you’ve found in food prep were so helpful to me. I am feeling blessed to have met you and give you and God the glory for leading me to a healthier overall lifestyle which has turned around my IBS symptoms as it helped me pinpoint just exactly what my triggers were! I lost weight and am finding increased endurance as I’ve gone from not walking very far to walking in 5Ks and able to walk 6 miles 2x a week!!! Thank you for your dedication to the process of helping others relearn their normal!!! Blessings for much success in your programs! You rock, Sarah!!!”

- Debbie O.