This is the statement that landed me a few good laughs with fellow moms and then propelled ME into coaching. Yes, the COACH hired a COACH. The day the power in this statement hit me is the day I hired a coach. Yes, same day. 
What I realized was that I was identifying with someone I didn’t want to be. I was NOT going to run a rat race in life. I was NOT going to be the over exhausted mom that ran herself and her family ragged.  I was NOT. 
“I’m overbooked and understaffed.”
Months later, I walked away from coaching a new mom. I realized I was the CEO of my household. Imagine that. I realized could CHOOSE my schedule. I could choose what activities to say “yes” too.  I was in complete control of my life and how my household ran. I felt empowered and full of hope again. 

Feeling “overbooked and understaffed?”

Ready to create the life you desire? You are the architect, let’s build.