Sleep is a heavily discussed topic these days and one I wanted to take a deeper dive into.

Sleep restores us and is essential for our well-being.

When I began to research, I found all sorts of articles and uncovered the many ways sleep inhibited our present day lives. At that point, I decided to choose one tool to implement. Just one. I chose blue light glasses. This felt like the least evasive first step to improving my sleep habits. 

I was skeptical. I saw these people wearing orange glasses that were way big, way awkward and I was thinking “what is this world coming to?” Yet, I kept reading article after article about the power of blue lights and how this artificial light is wreaking havoc on our sleep. It is on our phones, laptops, televisions and found in our general everyday lighting.

As I continued studying, I discovered just how much the artificial lights in our homes and on our screens truly impact our sleep cycle.  The terms “circadian rhythm” and “melatonin suppression” kept appearing and I was sold.

Our circadian rhythm is biological and a foundational piece of our well-being.

I went for it and bought my husband and I each a pair. We began wearing them and saw an immediate difference. We have now worn them faithfully. At sundown, we grab them. It’s a habit and signals the night time routine is beginning. 

Fast forward to this year…. now each of my girls own a pair. We are ALL IN.  My oldest will even wear them when working on a ZOOM meeting or while on FaceTime with family. Screen time used to make her “wobbly.” The blue light glasses (whether placebo or not!) seemed to put an end to even that sensation.  Better sleep and feeling better after screen time…. we’ll take it! 

There are many brands out there. We purchased Gunnar brand glasses. I’ve heard great reviews from Dave Asprey’s TrueDark brand and there are a few other brands mentioned in the article attached. Shop around- there are many options on the market today.

Try them. Your sleep may thank you… 


