One of my goals for 2021 was to significantly reduce the use of industrialized oils in our snack foods. Thrive has INCREDIBLE options that have helped me to make this transition and supply my kiddos with delicious snacks that this momma’s heart and brain feel a bit better about. 

My thoughts on Thrive Market: 

  • I bucked this membership for years. I generally am not a membership type consumer. I’m unsure why, but I’m just not.  For that reason, I continuously ignored the advertisements, reviews, discounts and all else that came into my inbox about Thrive Market. Until, I had a group coaching session where a client just spoke highly of the site, the products and the quality. I finally looked, and I am SO glad I did. 

  • I value the flexibility of being able to purchase whenever my family has a need. I have been 100% satisfied with every order and every delivery. Even as I type this, I feel this to be a bold statement, but it is true.  The orders are easy to place, shipped in a timely matter, legit delivered to my front porch and I’ve never had a damaged item. 

  • So far, I have only ordered dry ship items. I have purchased Jovial Pasta, Jovial Flour, our almonds, cashews, dates and our “on the go” snacks from Thrive.

  • We probably average a box a month, which we use, and it makes it worth the membership fee for us.  Some months I order more due to sales or items they are promoting. Again, its needs (not a monthly minimum) based, which I like if I must be tied to a membership. 

I encourage you to take a look. It just might be exactly what you and your family needs. I was skeptical and have been pretty darn pleased.

This podcast accompanies the video if you would rather take a listen:


