A big goal of mine was to remove industrial seed oils from our home this year. I had heard enough doctors reference and write about the harm caused by these seed oils that I knew it was time.

The issue… these oils are in SO MANY snacks.

I’d love to say that girls only eat whole foods, but they are human. They enjoy “snacks” and quite honestly, so do I. So, the first item out was roasted/salted nuts. Read the ingredients. Many companies add canola oil or safflower oil and they create that yummy, yet toxic, flavor. My daughter really enjoys nuts and was mad about not having the “trail” mix for one of her soccer camps. She LOVED it and was starting to feel deprived, which is never the feeling I want her to have. My goal is quite the opposite. I want her to feel empowered and educated in her food choices. 

When I sense deprivation, I generally sit quite a bit. In my quiet, I had the brilliant idea to buy the components of the beloved trial mix and allow her to make her own. I bought raw cashews, raw almonds, dark chocolate chips, some cranberries and some raisins. I then handed her a zip lock and a saltshaker and told her she was free to make her own trial mix. She made two bags. She ate one the following day and legit looked and me and said, “Mom, this is delicious!” We now have homemade trail mix and one happy, empowered child. 

Did I teach her the “why” behind this? I sure did.

We talked about the oils, why it was so important to me, and I read her an article. This my friends is a win, win. My child has become more educated and an alternative snack that I am at peace with has been born. 

What are industrial seed oils? Here are a few: canola oil, cottonseed oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil and the list goes on.

If you’d like to learn more about these oils and the harm they cause, click the links below. I’ve also included a few snacks that I have found that use healthy oils (coconut oil, olive oil) and allow my kiddos the snack experience they long for.

The Paleo Puffs are truly one of their all-time favorites.


