So, my seven-year-old daughter decided one day that she did not like cucumbers. She had eaten cucumbers her entire life. Then she declared she no longer liked strawberries. Again, see above…she had eaten them her entire life.

This continued for about two weeks. As mature (insert sarcasm here) parents, we continued to push back and put them on her plate, because WE were not going to be those parents that catered AND we knew she liked them. I’m laughing as I type this, because it was SO ridiculously ineffective. When I was finally exhausted of the constant resistance, I sat quiet for a bit and just thought through this.

Suddenly, this thought hit me… “Let her be more a part of the process.”

The next day, I TALKED and LISTENED to my daughter and elicited her help in the kitchen. This indeed was much more effective. 

I then handed her a cutting glove, a knife, a cutting board and we prepped together. I taught her about knives and their value. We grabbed different fresh produce and discussed the best way to prep them to eat. My girl is now prepping at least one of her own meals a day, and SHE IS PROUD. She loves this newfound freedom and responsibility.

And, the boycott has ended.

I have since not heard a SINGLE grumble about what is on her plate. 

I love my kitchen. I love to cook. Cooking is something that completely puts me in my zone. I like to cook ALONE. This was not easy for me. It is “EASIER” for me to prep my kid’s plates. It is easier for me to enjoy the few quiet moments in the kitchen while I prep. This stretched me and yet the reward has been incredible. If my goal is to create healthy, independent children then they need to be a part of the kitchen. I’m thankful for my new kitchen buddy and the time to stand shoulder to shoulder.

Most important, I am sure thankful the boycott has ended. 


