This thought came to me this weekend as I posted a picture of my daughter eating a homemade fruit stick full of strawberries and blueberries. I had created them for Valentine’s Day. The toothpick had a wooden heart at the end, the strawberries were cut into heart shapes and the blueberries added depth and color. As she ate her 3rd stick, it dawned on me that she had been on a blueberry strike for months- A LEGIT strike AND here she is throwing down blueberries by the “stickful.” As I observed her, I thought “the power of a toothpick.” Then I began to think back through the countless times I have created fruit sticks for family and friends only to have them gobbled up. 

I remembered:

  • My daughter’s 7th birthday party where my mom and I chose to serve the sweet princesses formally at the dining room table. I remember filling not one, not two, but three trays full of fruit sticks. These girls couldn’t get their fill of fruit. We’d fill the plate; they’d grab for the sticks. These sticks had beautiful gold balls on the end as indeed it was a princess party. 

  • The Thanksgiving that the entire family created “turkeys.”  The turkey was made from a pear and the feathers were created out of fruit sticks. We had bowls of fruit all around to create and yet the fruit eaten and enjoyed most was off the stick. The delicious turkey feathers were devoured. And, an extra bonus, the family had a blast.

  • The 4th of July I made “wands” out of watermelon and blueberries. The watermelon was cut into star shapes and then the blueberries filled the wands. The plate was EMPTY. 

  • The endless playdates where we brought fruit on sticks and returned home only with an empty container.

I felt this worthy of sharing. For some reason, people, in particular kids, eat more fruit when on a stick. It can even lead to an end of a strike! 

I find these “fancy” toothpicks or skewers at the dollar store, local shops, Amazon, Target and a variety of other places. I keep my eyes peeled and grab them when I can.

The power of a toothpick… Who would have thought.


Circadian Rhythm
