Circadian Rhythm

Sleep is such an interesting topic for me right now and has been for quite some time. I know the value in it, I know that power of it and the havoc it will create in my system if I don’t get enough, AND YET I don’t get enough. What’s worse, this is NOT always my fault.

Sure, I’ll own the “I scrolled Facebook too long” or the “I just couldn’t put down the book” nights. But many of nights, it’s not my fault. I have beautiful tiny humans that rely on me at ALL hours of the day. 

All this to say, sleep is one area I try to hack.

I really pay attention to tips the “experts” are giving and figure out if they are applicable. I own the blue light glasses. I have red lights in my house for after sundown. Our thermostat runs cooler at night. We’ve blocked all light in our bedroom and continue to grow towards the ideal.

My latest focus has been around my circadian rhythm. I’ve been reading enough about this t0 feel the need to pay attention to it.

Circadian rhythm is your natural, internal process that regulates your sleep-wake cycle and repeats roughly every 24 hours.

One tip that I’ve experimented with for the last 6+ months was to get outside for twenty minutes upon waking. While I’d like to tell you that I did this perfectly ALL winter and have mastered this, I did NOT. What I did accomplish over the winter months was to sit in front of a red light trying to trick my body into thinking I was outside all the while increasing my mood.  I used the True Light, Energy Scarlet Lux red light. I did end up buying the stand to go with it to make my life easier. THIS WAS EFFECTIVE. I’m unsure the impact it had on my sleep, but I was much more awake and energized to start my day.

Now that spring has arrived, I am getting outside upon waking.  If I can walk, I do. If I am confined to my house, I simply get outdoors.  The good news is, I AM seeing a difference in my sleep and I am eager to see if I continue to reap the benefits of this as I continue this through the warm summer months. 

It’s amazing what we can accomplish when we get “back to the basics.”

We are wired to rise with the sun and rest at sundown. Honoring our primal brains can be powerful and produce fruitful results. Who’d have thought?

If you struggle with sleep or sense your circadian rhythm is off, this may be worth experimenting with.

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