Why coaching?!?!?

On the way to celebrate my 40th birthday, my husband played a podcast for me with Mark Hyman and this doctor named Chris Kresser, whom I’d never heard of. They were discussing health coaching and their vision for coaching in the medical world.

I legit looked at my husband and said, “This is the way of the future.”
With a smile and a breath of relief, he replied, “Good, you have a meeting with them Sunday night to learn of this program.” 

That Sunday, I took the call and was super energized. I strategized about the finances and the time. I enrolled 48 hours later and began “school” in the fall. Here’s the thing- I didn’t think I would become a coach… FOR REAL. I was more enticed by the incredible people I would be surrounded by, getting my geek on and learning about functional medicine from Chris himself.

My only goal was to find ONE way to help my daughter thrive. My daughter was born with a rare genetic disorder which is VERY centered around food. I have a love of health, and her diagnosis only deepened and energized my studies.

My goal from this 20+ hour a week, intense schooling was to help my family, not become a coach. I honestly enjoyed being “retired” at 40. 

Now, 2.5 years later, I am a coach, and I am passionate about it.

MY Why? It’s impactful and people change.

If you give people space, a true non-judgmental space to process, a listening ear, a few well-placed questions and possibly a few resources, the sky is the limit. You watch people unravel with these incredible “ah-ha” moments and break life-long limited beliefs… and IT IS POWERFUL.

I’ve watched people restore their physical health by nailing their diet/exercise goals, then improve their parenting, their relationships, their energy at work and so on. I’ve watched people do the hard work and heal targeted relationships. I’ve watched clients thinking they needed help with their scheduling and then 3 months later realizing they really needed to re-find their voice and regain control of their entire lives.  

This is why I coach, And why I’m coached.

Anytime I have a ruminating thought or something I cannot shake; I hire a coach myself. That last story was mine. I was the “scheduling client.”

I heard myself say “I’m overbooked and understaffed” one too many times and I realized this was NOT the identity I wanted. I hired a coach the next day to figure out my time management skills. I bought planners, made plans, kept showing up to be coached and before long realized I had lost my voice. I was busy…I had two kids, a great husband, a dog, we homeschool and during all of this, I felt out of control. I had FORGOTTEN that I am the CEO of my home and that my schedule…

My “busy” was all my fault and within my control.

I slowly examined my schedule, began prioritizing, created a personal scheduling filter and honestly, had the best year to date in motherhood. I’m unsure how long this would have taken me without the coaching. I may have got there; I may not have.
I am positive that coaching helped me get there further and faster. I am thankful that I was first aware and then took action to hire a coach.

Have a ruminating thought?

Is there something that constantly runs through your mind or that you are wrestling with? Does your head hit the pillow each night with the same “wish I had…” thought? There are tons of coaches out there.

If you’ve been thinking of this, give it a whirl.   

The results are priceless. Coaching is a gift.


