For the first time is 42 two years, I had a mini anxiety experience. I was short of breath and my chest began to tighten every time I thought of something. I was FASCINATED, and a tiny bit nervous.  The first thing I did was look at my diet, water and then my caffeine intake. I deemed all reasonable. I then moved to my exercise level and sleep quality. I was pleased with both. So, next I looked at my sun exposure and supplements.

Check. Check. Check. All solid…. Well, now what?

I tried some biohacking tricks like red light therapy, cryotherapy and I even went for a massage. I still experienced the tightening. So, I sat quiet- real quiet. Suddenly, Tim Ferris came to my mind, and I thought “what would Tim do?”  This makes me laugh out loud as I type this because while I respect his work greatly, he’s not one I lean into when I feel troubled, but I listened and began to search YouTube.

I landed on the link below. Hilariously, his beginning checklist is like mine. The real gain for me was in the writing process he described.  I finished the video, I grabbed a blank notebook, and I wrote. I thought through his questions, made them MY OWN and simply wrote. I wrote for 15 pages straight. Yes, 15.

It was the most freeing thing I have done in a very, very long time.

GUESS WHAT? My chest has never tightened again, and I have some serious clarity on what was draining me and legit impacting my health… the quality of my day-to-day life. I wrote. I released. I prayed. I thought. I processed. I wrote some more. I laid it at His feet.

I found clarity. I found peace. I’m adding this to my toolbox.

What a gift our intuition is when we listen.

The Tim Ferris prompt didn’t make sense to me, but I am really glad I listened. I gleefully geek out a bit when my self-help world and my faith collide. It’s pretty cool. 

Supporting Media:

Disclaimer: Around 1:00 timestamp, there is a “F-Bomb.” Please fast forward or mute if this will be offensive to you.


