I’ve had a few people kindly and gently ask me about the quality of my thought life lately. So, I thought I better take notice.

I began by simply becoming aware of my thoughts for a day, then two. I then began to become aware of my thoughts around certain people and of my thoughts when I feel happy or sad or triggered. I found this experiment fascinating, humbling, laughable, and it brought me to tears.

It legit had all the feels. 

I then began to think through my beliefs around thoughts and quotes I’ve heard over the years:

  • “Where focus goes, energy flows.”  - Tony Robbins 

  • “You become what you give your attention to.” – Epictetus 

  • “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent and praiseworthy- think about such things.” – Philippians 4:8 

  • “One God - honoring thought has the potential to change the trajectory of both history and eternity. Just as one uninterrupted lie in my head has the potential to bring about unimaginable destruction in the world around me.” – Jennie Allen 

  • “If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. – Mary Engelbreit 

I read them, read them again and then thought, “Oh crap.”  This is all on me.

I have complete control over my thoughts and what I choose to focus on.

I was socked once more when I thought about it as being even more than about control.

I am CALLED to be a good steward of my thoughts. 

As it happens, I ran across Jennie Allen’s book during this time, and it is called “GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD.”  If you have time, read it. It is one of the best books I have read in a long time. It is faith-based and she talks of the science behind our thought lives and how we can truly rewire out brain, permanently. 

I love when my faith collides with science and the self-help world.

(See my Tim Ferris blog for another solid “collision.”)

I knew I had some hard work to do.  Here’s one practical tip I have been using:
When I hear a thought in my head, I capture the thought, and then ask myself, “Is this true?”

The coach awakens in me as I type this, and I think I could come up with a better question… but IT HAS BEEN WORKING.

I’m able to see the truths and the lies that I allow to float around up in that head of mine all day. It’s a small start, but I’m thankful that I have such brave, bold friends and for the awareness and intention I am bringing in hopes of refocusing my thought life. 


