I was delivering a meal to a couple that welcomed a sweet baby boy and I thought of the power of a “go to” meal. Anytime I am called to deliver a meal, I make the same dish. I deliver Crockpot Chicken with rice and broccoli.

So, here it is:

Crockpot Chicken

  • 2-4 pounds of chicken

  • ½ cup of coconut aminos (a gluten free form of soy sauce)

  • ½ cup of broth or water if needed

  • a dollop (or more!) of honey (I have omitted, and the dish is still delish!)

  • fresh squeezed orange juice (either a mandarin or part of a whole orange)

  • 2 TBSP of tomato paste (I have also used ketchup, homemade tomato soup, fresh tomatoes)

  • 1 TBSP of sesame oil

  • 2 cloves minced garlic

  • ½ tsp ground ginger or few slices of fresh cut ginger

I legit throw all of this into my crockpot and cook on low for around 4 hours. I do break up or shred the chicken towards hour 3 or once it becomes easily “shreddable.” Shredding or chunking the chicken allows the flavors to soak in even more and allows the chicken breast to become more tender. My husband prefers chicken thighs, so I have also thrown in thighs as well and have been pleased.

This is a forgiving recipe. I’m to the point where I measure very little. I gauge the water level, making sure the liquid covers the chicken to keep it moist and then I add liberally. This recipe is adapted from Danielle Walker’s “Against All Grain” cookbook. If you tend to cook gluten free, dairy free and grain free, it may be worth checking her recipes out. My family enjoys quite a few of her dishes.

My version of Brazilian Rice:

  • Add oil, minced garlic, chopped onion and salt to the empty a rice cooker

  • If it has a “warm” option, let the above sit for a few minutes

  • Add one cup of white rice to 2 cups of water and cook

    Yea, it’s this easy, and I cannot count the number of compliments I have received on this rice.


  • I steam my broccoli on the stovetop for like 10 minutes

  • I take off stove, shake of excess water and dump into a bowl

  • I quickly add sliced garlic, olive oil, oregano and salt

  • I stir and serve

This is a life saver for me. It has served all.

My daughter always looks forward to us delivering a meal as it ensures her some “crockpot” chicken, which is her fav.




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