I was talking to a friend and reflecting on how I felt a bit more content in one of our busiest summers yet. She asked me why I thought this was the case. I was surprised when the words, “It’s because I’m unpacking,” came out of my mouth. I was first surprised, because I was unsure what I meant and second, because of the complete POSITIVE impact this has had on my summer… really MY overall LIFE. 

I was following the advice from page 54 of “The Lazy Genius Way,” by Kendra Adachi, which was to “unpack right away.”

She basically talks about how unpacking allows for quick organization and peace in the home.

I CHUCKLE at this being my biggest take away since the book is inundated with incredible bits of advice, and I’m CHEERING at the same time. I pack a bag almost every time I leave the house. The kids need sneakers, an extra change of clothes, snacks… lots of snacks, towels, swimsuits, card games and the list goes on.

By unpacking these bags each day, everything I need to REPACK the next day is in its place! 

This has been (and continues to be) AMAZING. I’m not running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to find UNO to repack… or their (now moldy and gross) bathing suits in a bag from two days ago. It’s all back in its place- pure calmness. 

I began to realize that I had been following this line of thinking for months. We often travel to see grandparents, and I have UNPACKED every single time we have arrived home. Yes, even on the late-night arrivals. 

Who would have thought that following one piece of advice would have had such a significant impact? An impact big enough that it forced me to ask myself what the heck I had done to bring peace to a generally chaotic time. 

“Unpack Right Away”… I dare you. 


