Food prep and meal planning are an essential part of our family culture. We just plain wouldn't eat, or at least wouldn't eat as well, without it.

The idea of Mason Jar Salads was introduced to me by a dear, dear friend. We do some of life together and she always had lunch, like a real lunch, not something thrown together or grabbed when running out the door. So, I inquired one day and am now a proud “Mason Jar Veteran” and have recruited some pretty amazing help.

There are literally hundreds of variations.

Here is how I make mine:

1. I pour olive oil, vinegar, oregano and salt in FIRST. This is my dressing of choice. You can choose yours and alter this.
2. Then I add in my greens of choice or what I have on hand. I have had success with romaine, spinach and arugula.
3. Now comes the fun part! I add whatever I want. I love olives, onions and cucumbers. If I have pepperoni or chicken or hard boiled eggs, I will add a protein source. I've also added pumpkin seeds and enjoyed the crunch. Ohhh, and blueberries are a pretty delicious add on as well.
4. I fill the jar to the top (or my state of the art helpers do) and I put them in the refrigerator for my weekly lunches.
5. I grab a mason jar at lunch time. I shake and super enjoy that I have a well prepared, delicious lunch to grab on my busy days.

I've found for the best freshness to consume within 3 days. I know people have found success longer, but this is as far as I've gone.
• If you look closely, you can see the mason jar tops are labeled. Each member of my famous has a unique pallet, so we create unique salads and label them!

Happy Mason Jar Salad Making!


