Ah… the school year is about to begin or has begun here, and I’m hearing so many moms talking about scheduling and attempting to get a clear picture of what the school year is going to look like.

I hear things like:
“Are we going to allow the second day of dance this year?”
“What will our nights look like once football begins?”
“Can we really fit in that activity with all the homework we have to tackle each evening?” 

Guess what?!
I’m asking similar questions, contemplating similar thoughts and thinking through many scenarios.

Tonight, I made the first attempt to make it all make sense. I pulled out my blank calendar, and I began sketching (IN PENCIL) my non-negotiables: the co-op we are committed to, date night with my husband, church on Sunday, my work hours, dance and the list went on. This is where I start, with my non-negotiable commitments. This gives me a solid picture of what the weeks look like at the minimum. Then, my favorite, I mark ONE evening “plan nothing.” This completes my first step of scheduling 2022-2023. This now frees up some space so I can look and think through the extra day of dance or what playdates/field trips could look like.

Now that I have what matters most I can move forward with my scheduling.

Looking for some guidance? The Lazy Genius Way by Kendra Adachi has incredible perspective, wisdom, and applicable strategies. The cover page reads “Embrace what matters, ditch what doesn’t, and get stuff done.” YES PLEASE! Sign me up for that life, for that schedule.

I have used many pieces of this book on my journey to create a life that is full of what matters most, but specifically, what matters most to us. 

This is such a powerful question to ponder: Does my schedule reflect what matters most? 
What matters most?

Printable Worksheet:


